About Us
Our Philosophy
Our service would like to recognise the traditional owners of this land, the Kombumerri people, on whose land we build our community on today. We pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and recognise they are the first people of Australia.
Our Philosophy
Broadbeach Kindergarten embraces the philosophy of each child being unique. We value the provision of opportunities for each child to learn at their own individual rate of development in a caring, warm, secure and safe environment. Within our educational program and practice, which encompasses the EYLF, which embraces the QKLG, we encourage children to learn through self-expression and self-reliance, in order to enhance their self-concept.
We believe that every child is important, every child has so much to offer, and every child has a marvelous capacity to learn. Our centre has a warm and friendly atmosphere, which is enhanced by caring, loving and experienced educators. Children are inquirers and explorers and are more able to implement their own risk assessments as they embrace the next challenges. Educators aim to guide, not direct children’s play.
Children’s health and safety is supported and promoted within the programme. We guide children in making healthy positive choices through the food they eat. Our aim is to provide support for each child’s competence, confidence and independence in all areas of the programme.
We believe that work and play is one and the same thing, children learn through their play. Work and play are not mutually exclusive in our kindergarten environment; children develop a positive and optimistic attitude to their play and work at kindergarten. We appreciate that every situation and interaction can be used to extend a child’s personal, interpersonal and life skills. Their development is recognised as important and is highly valued. We value building strong relationships with children and aim to provide a challenging, exciting, supportive and happy environment in which each child will develop and grow.
Our Philosophy
Our community kindergarten provides for families and their children in a friendly, homely environment, which is an extension of the child’s family situation. Respectful relationships are integral to our work. We believe that parents are a child’s first teachers and they are the most important people in his/her life. We will share with parents the vital role of caring for and educating their children by focusing on developing a sense of trust, security and love.
We believe in offering an inclusive policy that incorporates the requirements of children with additional needs, and the educators work collaboratively with family members, specialists, resource agencies and support services. This centre values each child’s family and cultural background. Educators will draw on the diverse knowledge and cultural experiences of every family when planning experiences for children. Family input is encouraged, recognised and celebrated at Broadbeach Kindergarten.
Research studies show that those parents who show a genuine interest and support for the kindergarten and who encourage educators and speak well of their child’s kindergarten will have children who are more likely to enjoy their kindergarten experience and will adapt more readily to the formal school environment. We aim to have collaborative partnerships with families and communities by building genuine partnerships. We believe it is important that our educators value children and their families. We aim to engage parents and children in a sense of community, cooperation and collaboration.
Our Philosophy
We aim to provide a homelike, nurturing environment where parents and children can feel secure and happy and where all three – parent, teaching team and child- can work together to provide a positive learning experience for each child. By offering a challenging, safe and interesting learning environment, we encourage children’s curiosity, creativity, confidence, independence, discovery, co-operation and language and concept formation.
The children learn about sustainability through embedded practises such as daily recycling, potted plants, flowers, worm farms, composting, the use of solar panels, the use of water tanks, and herb and vegetable gardens. Quality wooden and fair-trade resources are available for children. They also have access to natural materials, and loose parts such as seed pods, pebbles, rocks, sand, dirt, gardens, sticks, and leaves etc. to use in their play.
We teach the children our Ocean warrior poem each year to develop pride in our environment and a sense of belonging in our roles to protect it.
“We are seahorse/starfish ocean warriors, we go to Broadbeach kindy, we like to visit our beach each day when it’s sunny, cold or windy.
We are seahorse/ starfish ocean warriors, we are clever, kind and keen, we pick up rubbish on our beach, to keep our oceans clean.
We are seahorse/ starfish ocean warriors and we never rest, we are Broadbeach kindy kids and we are just the best.”
Our Philosophy
Educators / Staff
This kindergarten is under the directorship of Elizabeth Power and her teaching partner is Kathryne Powell. This has been a successful team of educators since 1997. We believe that this level of experience, commitment and dedication contributes to a warm, respectful relationship between staff, children and families.
We aim to act as positive role models who build relationships of trust, respect and security. Danielle Sorensen, as the centre administrator and relief educator, is a valued member of the staff- her experience and knowledge in this role contributes to the centre’s operation and management. Each staff member’s views, beliefs and values are considered and respected.
Our Philosophy
Our kindergarten is proudly community owned and operated as a non-profit service to the local community. The Management Committee is responsible for the leadership and service management and financing of the kindergarten, alongside Gowrie QLD who acts as our CGB. The Committee is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Association’s affairs. We believe that the committee should work in consultation with staff to ensure that the centre is financially viable, the building and its contents are maintained and insured, the centre is marketed and promoted and the safety and well being of staff and children remain a priority.
Committee members are elected at our Annual General Meeting in February each year. We aim for the staff and committee to work collaboratively and effectively to ensure a positive and respectful workplace relationship. We have long standing committee members of over 9 years who continue to support is and are committed to Broadbeach Kindergarten.
The staff and committee of Broadbeach Kindergarten strongly believe in maintaining and improving the service and its commitment to children and their families. We aim to do this through continuous self-assessment, staff evaluation (in conjunction with committee members), professional development, Gowrie affiliation reports and meeting the national quality standards. We aim to have areas that are to be celebrated and if areas require change and improvement, these are discussed and form part of our quality improvement plan.
We at Broadbeach Kindergarten believe in this quote from Benjamin Franklin….
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn!”
We have also included this special poem as it represents everything we do at Broadbeach Kindergarten where children come first…
If this is not a place where tears are understood,
where do I go to cry?
If this is not a place where my spirit can take wing,
where do I go to fly?
If this is not a place where my questions can be asked,
where do I go to seek?
If this is not a place where my feelings can be heard,
where do I go to speak?
If this is not a place where you’ll accept me as I am,
where can I go to be?
Where can I learn and try and grow?
Where can I just be me?
William Crocket